the Passionate Physio

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Why moms should consider hiring a housecleaner

We hired a housecleaner for the first time this weekend, and it felt like the biggest relief. I recognize that hiring a cleaner is a privilege AND it's also something that we choose to prioritize. Instead of spending the entire morning cleaning (5+ hours!), I spent the weekend relaxing, spending time with my family, and even got through some really annoying tasks that I would otherwise not have energy for - including clearing out my old computer (13 years old) and organizing our laundry room. But the biggest win was how clean our microwave was!!! 😍 Just kidding, the real biggest win was how I felt this weekend because I hired a housecleaner - relaxed, more present with my family, at ease, energetic!

In India where I grew up, it's normalized to have help with housecleaning, cooking, childcare etc. especially in middle and upper class families. It's ironic that people come to Canada/America for a "better" quality of life but in reality, it's worse in so many ways. When we moved to Canada, we couldn't afford help. So my mom (who worked full time and had multiple jobs) ALSO did all the housework, cooking and most of the childcare. She didn't have time for hobbies. She didn't have time for herself. And I know so many of our own moms were in the same boat. I don't want that life and I have the privilege of choosing a different option.

Hiring help benefits us (saves time/energy) and it benefits the person offering that service (they earn $, get to use their expertise, is likely way better at it). This has been a big mindset shift for me - I see the value in my time and energy. Whether it's cleaning, cooking, childcare, someone to do your taxes, or someone to help you with your postpartum recovery or fitness goals (hint, hint πŸ˜‰), normalize hiring support! Ain't no pride in doing it all yourself.

I shared this to Instagram this weekend and had so many amazing conversations in the DMs. 93% of you said you'd consider hiring help or already do (again, no shame if you truly enjoy doing it all yourself and find yourself still having time to yourself for your own needs). Some of you shared with me the pressure you feel and the stigma that exists being a woman not being able to cook/clean for her family. Unfortunately patriarchy still exists, and it's stronger in certain cultures/societies. If we want to dismantle patriarchal systems, we have choices to make. Someone will always have an opinion on you, but only you know what's best for you and your family. Only you know how stressed and burned out you are trying to do it all yourself. Perhaps the reason you're too "unmotivated" to exercise, is because you're spending so much time cooking, cleaning, folding laundry and doing everything else for everyone else.

So my question for you is, where can hiring help benefit you? Where it can open up time and energy for yourself?