About Embodia

Use code momstrength to SAVE $20 OFF your first month’s Tier 3 membership!

Embodia is an all-in-one platform offering client scheduling, payment, continuing education courses, webinars, exercise prescription, questionnaires, and patient education! And it’s HIPAA, PHIPA, and PIPEDA compliant!

Embodia comes with a plethora of tools to make your job easier as a pelvic health physiotherapist!

  • Done-for-you patient education on pain, the female and male pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence and more!

  • Bladder, bowel and fibre diaries

  • Questionnaires and outcome measures like the Pelvic Health Screening, Pelvic Health Symptom Monitor, CSI, DASS-21, and Insomnia Severity Index

  • Create and upload your own content including questionnaire, education and exercises!

Learn from top pelvic health educators online including Pelvic Health Solutions, Antony Lo, Julie Wiebe, Carolyn Vandyken, Cecile Röst, and many more, with special discounts often available to Embodia members!

My experience using Embodia

I’ve used Embodia for 2+ years now, and love it! Embodia makes it so easy for me to schedule patients (they can use online booking to book an appointment even when I’m asleep!). I offer both virtual and in-person care, and my clients are easily able to distinguish between the two when they’re booking.

I can also chart, sent invoices, bill and accept payment (credit card or e-transfer!), and offer memberships right from within the app! I love that I can access activity reports (eg clients who haven’t booked back), and that all the education, exercises, and conversations with my clients are in one spot.

Embodia’s customer service is top-notch. Anytime I have a question or feedback, they respond to me in a timely manner. I love that they seek to keep evolving and improving, offering new features like creating a waitlist or a privacy filter. They truly care about delivering the best service possible, and for an affordable price.

You can get started by signing up for a practitioner account or book a demo with the Embodia team!

—Surabhi Veitch, The Passionate Physio (i.e., me!)

Don’t forget to use code momstrength to save $20 off the first month when you sign up for your Tier 3 account!