Are crunches and sit-ups safe with diastasis?

Safe exercises for diastasis recti:

✅Literally anything you train for!

Every few weeks I'll see a client who's been told that she should avoid crunches and sit-ups forever now that she has a diastasis. (They usually hear this from a pelvic PT...that is not cool!)

Did you know that the 6-pack muscles (rectus abdominis) that are used to do crunches and sit-ups can actually help to REDUCE your diastasis gap?

So when you add these more challenging exercises to your core routine, you will benefit!

This is not to say jump into the hardest exercises right after you pop out a baby but it does mean that you do not need to be afraid or movement or avoid movements altogether. I KNOW you're already doing a crunch anytime you get up off the bed or couch, so adding crunches and sit-ups and planks as exercises is functional too!

If you have a diastasis, I offer virtual support worldwide! Click HERE to schedule your consult!


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