3 tips to reach your fitness goals

Having trouble reaching your fitness goals? 🧐

3 really simple (but not always easy) steps to get there:

1️⃣Get started
This is often the most challenging step but also most obvious.

2️⃣Keep going
Consistency is key. It takes time for your bones, joints and muscles to adapt to your training. Giving up too soon is a big reason people don't meet their goals!

3️⃣Enjoy the journey!
When people enjoy the process, they're far more likely to stick to their workout plan. Whether it's hiking or running or cycling or climbing or softball or lifting weights - the more you enjoy it, the more likely you'll want to do it!

It took me 12 attempts today before I got my bouldering problem today. It was challenging, fun and rewarding. Last week I tried this same problem and didn't get it.

Whatever it is you want to do - a push-up, a pull-up, sit-ups, run a 10K, crush a bouldering problem - keep trying and enjoy the journey!

What's a movement or exercise goal you've been working on?


Are crunches and sit-ups safe with diastasis?


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