The Dance Current: Long and Strong: Improve your Hamstring Flexibility with Strength Training

My article got featured in The Dance Current magazine! If you’ve always felt like your hamstrings are tight, or if you’re a dancer or athlete that requires more flexibility, these exercises may be fantastic for you! Check out Page 16 of the Spring 2022 edition of The Dance Current and check out the entire magazine for more amazing reads.

Also I need to add - what a huge honour to be published in the same edition as Menaka Thakkar! Menaka was an absolute legend in the dance community, and I’m grateful I got to meet her. She was both an incredible dancer and teacher, and her grace, skill and energy were absolutely incredible. Having learned Bharatanatyam (a traditional Indian dance form) as a kid, it was incredible to learn more about her in The Dance Current and I’m just honoured to even be included in the same edition as her. She recently passed away but I know her impact will long live on in her students and amongst the dance community.


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