Urge urinary incontinence: frequent urges to pee? Leaking on your way to the bathroom?

Do you experience strong urges to go pee? When you have to go, do you have to go NOW? You may have urge urinary incontinence

Find yourself rushing to the bathroom and almost not making it? Or even leaking / peeing your pants a little?

You may have urge incontinence! You may experience these strong urges during the day, while driving home, or even in the middle of the night!

When you’re stressing about making it to the bathroom, your breathing shallows, you tense up, and you can exert even more pressure downward on your bladder. All of this can lead to MORE leaks!

This may seem counter-intuitive but try this next time you experience a strong urge to pee:
🚶🏽‍♀️walk at a normal pace, avoid rushing
🫁 breathe in and out, slowly, as you walk
🤔distract yourself from the urge by counting backwards from 100 by 7’s 💭

Continue this until you sit your butt down and are ready to go.🚽

There is so much more that affects the brain, bladder and pelvic floor connection. If you’re sick of your bladder being the boss of you, book your online consult HERE! Let’s get you staying dry!

❓When do you experience stronger urges? When you’re getting home from outside or when you’re getting up from your chair?


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