6 reasons you leak pee

There are so so many reasons for leaks, and a"weak pelvic floor" is actually not the most common one, i.e., you likely don't need to do Kegels or lift vaginal weights!


Caffeine can be a bladder irritant. Make sure you’re hydrating with water and if leaks plague you, try reducing your caffeine consumption and see if that impacts your leaks!


This concentrates your urine, irritating the bladder again! Not only can this cause leaks, it can also cause infections. Drink minimum half your body weight in fluid ounces of water (e.g., if you weight 160 lbs, drink 80 oz of water - that’s around 10 cups/day!). Another good marker is to drink enough so your urine is a pale yellow in colour.

3️⃣Tightness or tension in your pelvic floor

This means the muscles in your pelvic floor are working hard all day even when they don't have to! When it's time to hold a full bladder, they may struggle to work effectively because they’re tired from being “on” all day. In order for the pelvic floor muscles to close when they need to, we also have to allow our muscles to relax and lengthen throughout the day.

4️⃣ Seated posture

Sitting slouched with your tailbone tucked all day? That tightens up the muscles around your rear passage and puts pressure on the front of your pelvic floor - over time, this can your muscles to work less effectively and with less coordination. And can lead to things like tightness, pain or leaks!

5️⃣ Weak butt/leg muscles.

This one is huge and rarely talked about. If your butt is not doing the job it needs to, the muscles around the area (including your pelvic floor muscles) will have to work harder! Improve your buttock and leg strength to take some load off your pelvic floor!

6️⃣ Constipation.

Got a lot of poop in there taking up real estate? That's going to add to the pressure on your bladder too never mind can contribute to more tension in the pelvic floor.

Did any of these surprise you? Wwhich of the above impacts your leaks the most!

Let me know what you want to learn about more!


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