Tips to Stay Consistent with Exercise over the Holidays

As December and the holiday season continues, many people are concerned about falling out of their habits, including exercise or "healthy" eating (it's in quotes because healthy eating is subjective). First of all, it's absolutely okay to take a break from the things you usually do. But if you're like me, it's FAR easier to maintain a consistent habit than to take weeks or a month off, then attempt to re-start again in the New Year. The fitness and diet industry is ripe with messages of "New Year, New You" or "Start the New Year strong." But also, it's only December 13th. We don't need to toss out the next 17 days of our lives, and then attempt to pick it back up in the New Year.

For those of you anticipating an increase in stress over the next few weeks, remember that your mental and physical health matters. Habits that make you feel happier, saner and calmer are a good thing! Even if it's doing literally ONE exercise/day, breathing intentionally for ONE minute/day, or getting in ONE good workout/week, that's still going to help you maintain a consistent habit, improve your energy and progress your strength! If life has been stressful for you (dealing with sick kids, threats of school closures, holiday gatherings, traveling, etc.), check out my tips below.

Strategies to help stay consistent with exercise:

  1. Aim for one exercise or even just one minute/day. Choose a goal that is entirely attainable even when you're super exhausted or stressed. Consistency wins, every time.

  2. Aim for earlier in the day or when you have more energy.

  3. Schedule it in / plan ahead - Is there reasonable time in your schedule to get part or full workout done? If not, can you create space in your schedule? Can you book it in? Be realistic, and also don't be afraid to schedule in 5 minutes if that's all you've got. 5 minutes is better than nothing!

  4. Create an environment for success - leave your equipment where you'll see it. Dumbbell in the kitchen? Why not?

  5. If you have a partner, get their support. Here's something you could try, if you need it: "I need to workout so I feel better and don't lose my $hit later on. Can you handle ______ (e.g., breakfast, drop-off, etc) tomorrow morning so that I can get it in? I'll need 45 minutes." - yes, it can be that easy. Please ask for what you want. If you want your partner to help keep you accountable, ask! Hopefully they are supportive of you and your goals!

If you're struggling to build habits, and missed Brené Brown's 2-part interview with James Clear, make sure to check it out on Spotify! I absolutely loved it and was happy to hear that he shares many of the same strategies that I share with my clients.

I'd love to know, what is one daily movement habit that you're going to incorporate through December and the holidays?


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