Surabhi’s Blog


Disclaimer: all content is for informational purposes only. It does not replace the advice of your medical or healthcare practitioner. All opinions below are mine with the exception of guest blogs. Note that research is constantly evolving and therefore my opinions may evolve too.

prolapse, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch prolapse, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch

Pessary: Does your vagina needs a sports bra?!

A pessary is a medical-grade silicone device that sits in your vagina and supports your pelvic organs in place. It can be really helpful for people with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse, in early postpartum recovery when your pelvic floor is looser and weaker, for high-impact exercise like running or jumping, or even for daily use. A pessary come in different shapes and sizes, and is fit based on your body anatomy and needs.

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pelvic floor, pelvic strength Surabhi Veitch pelvic floor, pelvic strength Surabhi Veitch

5 reasons why Kegels don’t strengthen your pelvic floor

You can’t just squeeze your pelvic floor a hundred times and expect it to be strong. Kegels, or pelvic floor muscle contractions, get way more attention than they deserve! Whether your goals are to stop peeing your pants postpartum, decrease prolapse symptoms with lifting, reduce leaks with jumping or running, or have better orgasms, remember that your pelvic floor doesn’t work in isolation. And remember that lying on your back squeezing your pelvic muscles won’t make you strong enough for real life. Plus, if you’re stressed and carrying pelvic floor tension. Pelvic floor mobility matters more than you think!

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pelvic floor, pelvic mobility, pelvic strength Surabhi Veitch pelvic floor, pelvic mobility, pelvic strength Surabhi Veitch

Kegels and Reverse Kegels: your How-to Guide

Kegel exercises or pelvic floor muscle contractions have been attributed to improving pelvic floor muscle strength. Learn 8 visualization cues to strengthen and lengthen your pelvic floor, i.e., Kegels and Reverse Kegels! When you lack pelvic floor mobility, it can exacerbate pain, leakage and pelvic symptoms. This is why both pelvic mobility and strength are equally important.

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prolapse, sex, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch prolapse, sex, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch

Pelvic organ prolapse, sex & pain

Can you have sex with prolapse? Does prolapse affect sexual intimacy and intercourse? In this blog we answer:

Learn 5 ways prolapse indirectly impacts intimacy: B-R-I-S-M

Is it safe to have sex with prolapse?

Will my partner feel my prolapse?

Why does sex hurt? What can I do? (including 6 rules to minimize painful sex)

What sex positions are best for prolapse?

How can I fix my prolapse?

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prolapse, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch prolapse, pelvic floor Surabhi Veitch

Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Your Top 10 questions answered

Get answers to top 10 questions about prolapse including: What is pelvic organ prolapse (POP)? What are symptoms of prolapse? How do I know if I have prolapse? How common is prolapse? Why did I get prolapse? How do you fix pelvic organ prolapse? Why does mild prolapse feel so symptomatic? Can I exercise with prolapse? Should I avoid running and jumping with prolapse? Will doing extra Kegels help my symptoms? Can I have sex with prolapse?

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