2. First 6 Weeks Postpartum

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Learn 6 key things to help you heal those first 6-weeks postpartum: BEDMAS! BEDMAS stands for Breathe, Eat, Drink, Me-time, Ask for help, Sleep. I elaborate on each of those factors and how and why to focus on each one during this episode.

Learn 6 key things to help you heal those first 6-weeks postpartum: BEDMAS! BEDMAS stands for Breathe, Eat, Drink, Me-time, Ask for help, Sleep. I elaborate on each of those factors and how and why to focus on each one during this episode.

Links & Resources:

Book a free alignment call to see how I can best support you!

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*Disclaimer: this is for educational purposes. Please see your healthcare provider for individualized care.


3. Exhaustion & Intentional Rest


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