Mom Strength podcast simplifies motherhood through discussions on pelvic health, fitness, mindset and self-care.


Mom Strength is a podcast hosted by Surabhi Veitch, The Passionate Physio. Surabhi is an Orthopaedic and Pelvic Physiotherapist, Pregnancy & Postpartum Fitness Coach, mentor and mom with a mission to simplify motherhood through discussions on pelvic health, fitness, and realistic self-care.

Episodes drop every 1-2 weeks, and offer a combination of solo episodes, and guest interviews with experts on pelvic health, movement, mindset, parenting, nutrition, mental health, diversity and all the wonderful things that impact our motherhood experience.

We have real, honest conversations where we raise the bar and challenge the status quo on what it means to be a mother. We also aim to empower, uplift and elevate marginalized voices, including those of Black, Indigenous, and racialized Peoples of Colour.

Come discover your mom strength, inside and out!

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

75. Biopsychosocial Approach to Pelvic Health with Teresa Waser

Surabhi Veitch interviews Teresa Waser, physiotherapist, educator, clinic owner and mom, as we explore the TIIPPSS-FC framework for Reframing Pain, Pelvic Health, and Performance. We start with the Biopsychosocial Approach, discuss psychosocial influences on pain including asking the right questions on intake forms. We discuss the importance of experiential learning for patients. Teresa shares her journey into pelvic health, highlighting the pelvic floor's vital role. We touch on Diastasis Recti, addressing disordered eating, and the challenges of perfectionism in physiotherapy. Plus, we share exciting updates about upcoming courses and delve into self-care and pessary fitting for pelvic health.

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

70. Pessaries, Prolapse & Stress Incontinence with Cara McDougall

A pessary is like a sports bra for your vagina! Surabhi is thrilled to interview Cara McDougall, a pelvic health physiotherapist specializing in pessary assessment and fitting. Cara discusses how pessaries support people with pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence, and who makes an ideal candidate, including the success rate. Let’s debunk common myths and ditch the stigma around pessary use (it’s been around forever!).

We answer these questions:

What is a Pessary?

History of Pessaries (it was around in ancient Egypt!)

Helping Patients with Pessary Care

Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Who is the ideal candidate for Pessary Use?

What are unsafe circumstances for Pessary Use?

Common Myths about Pessaries

Gaining relief of symptoms with a pessary

Trial Pessary

Sex & Pessary Use

Periods & Pessary Use

What are pessary fittings like?

Pregnancy & Pessary Use

Pessaries & Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

55. Pelvic floor symptoms don’t always mean stop

What does it mean when pain or pelvic floor symptoms like leaks return? Does it mean you stop whatever the aggravating activity is and hope for the best? Do we just stop exercising, stop lifting weights, and just rest until it gets better? Not usually!

Symptoms don’t always mean stop. I share 4 things your symptoms could mean including:

—stop what you’re doing
—do something different
—take a break
—pay attention to me

Take a listen to this episode, and see what resonates. If you need help troubleshooting your symptoms, book a consult below and let’s get you feeling better in your body!

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

40. Why NOT to do Kegels

Kegels, or pelvic floor contractions, are a strength exercise often recommended for people with pelvic floor concerns like leaks, prolapse or pain. The problem is, Kegels often make these symptoms WORSE, and can be really problematic. Kegels can worsen pain with seggs, exacerbate leaks and even create more symptoms of heaviness.

Tune into this Mom Strength episode so learn why NOT to do Kegels!

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

21. Find Hope in your Diagnosis with Antony Lo

Come and join this conversation with Antony Lo, as we discuss how to navigate through postpartum, return to exercise and your fitness goals. Antony shares his expertise and approach in helping people lift heavy weights and navigate back to their fitness goals postpartum. Antony explores the importance of strength training, highlighting the benefits and surprising results (you’re probably stronger than you think!).

We discuss:

Progressing physically and mentally through postpartum

Finding hope in a prolapse/diastasis diagnosis (it’s more common than you think!)

The consequences of comparing yourself to other Moms

Dangers of fear mongering in fitness/health industry

Strength and aesthetic goals in postpartum

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Surabhi Veitch Surabhi Veitch

11. Prolapse & Martyrdom in Motherhood with Aliya Dhalla

Aliya Dhalla and Surabhi Veitch discuss the #1 tip to overcoming prolapse, the mental and psychosocial components of prolapse, and shame around prolapse.

We also have a great discussion on martyrdom in motherhood in South Asian and many other communities, people-pleasing behaviours, defining our own identities as mothers, ditching mom guilt, and the journey to practicing self-care.

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Disclaimer: These podcast episodes do not replace the advice of your medical or healthcare practitioner, and cannot address your unique circumstances. All episodes and conversations are for educational and informational purposes only. While Surabhi Veitch tries to vet guest experts, she is not responsible for the actions or opinions of guest experts.