21. Find Hope in your Diagnosis with Antony Lo

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Antony explores the importance of strength training, highlighting the benefits and surprising results (you’re probably stronger than you think!).

Come and join this conversation with Antony Lo, as we discuss how to navigate through postpartum, return to exercise and your fitness goals. Antony shares his expertise and approach in helping people lift heavy weights and navigate back to their fitness goals postpartum. Antony explores the importance of strength training, highlighting the benefits and surprising results (you’re probably stronger than you think!).

We discuss:

  • Progressing physically and mentally through postpartum

  • Finding hope in a prolapse/diastasis diagnosis (it’s more common than you think!)

  • The consequences of comparing yourself to other Moms

  • Dangers of fear mongering in fitness/health industry

  • Strength and aesthetic goals in postpartum

Antony’s Bio

Antony Lo aka The Physio Detective is a Physiotherapist who works at the junction of Ortho, sports and pelvic health. He has a passion for helping health and fitness professionals as well as the general public who struggle to return to their moderate to high intensity activity goals whilst managing pelvic health, diastasis, and ortho/sports conditions. He is from Sydney, Australia but works and teaches around the world.


Check out Antony’s courses: www.mypteducation.com

Find Antony on Instagram and Facebook @thephysiodetective

Email: antony@thephysiodetective.com

Connect with Surabhi:

  • Find Surabhi on Instagram or Facebook @thepassionatephysio

  • Website: https://www.thepassionatephysio.ca


22. Creating Your Best Life with Dr. Shanté Cofield


20. Reducing Family Mealtime Struggles with Ahuva Magder Hershkop