Pelvic Strength Workshop + Pleasure Calendar DUO

Sale Price:$78.00 Original Price:$98.00

It’s time to improve your sexual stamina and confidence!

You deserve PLEASURE! This workshop is dedicated to improving your SEXUAL STAMINA, and improving your connection to your PELVIC FLOOR and your BODY. We work up a sweat practicing moves that bring you more CONFIDENCE in and out of the bedroom!

Included: 90-min Pelvic Strength workshop + 28-day Pleasure Prompts Calendar - $98 value, save $20

Purchase Pelvic Strength + Calendar Duo
Pleasure is your birthright! Even if you're postpartum, tired and exhausted, I'll show you how to cultivate pleasure in your life and in your sex life!

Unleash your pleasure!



  • Anyone wanting to reconnect with their pleasure, pelvic floor and sexual selves

  • Anyone holding sexual shame or guilt from being raised in a religious home or environment that wasn't sex positive

  • Anyone who are stressed, anxious, constantly busy, and holding tension in their pelvic floor, hips or lower back

  • Exhausted moms struggling to stay present during sex (constantly thinking about to-do lists)

  • Anyone with pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic floor weakness, pelvic organ prolapse or vaginal laxity

  • Anyone with signs of excess pelvic floor tightness, tension or hypertonicity, including

    pain with sex; pelvic pain
    low libido, desire or arousal; weak orgasms
    —history of sexual trauma or persistent pain
    urinary incontinence with sneezing, coughing, laughing
    urgency or frequent urination
    constipation, pellet poops, painful bowel movements or straining

  • Anyone with neck, shoulder, or jaw pain, or TMJ issues like clenching

  • Anyone wanting education, empowerment and guidance from a pelvic floor physical therapist on their pelvic floor and sexual health, wellness and fitness



  1. Breathing techniques to connect to your diaphragm, pelvic floor, and abdominal muscles.

  2. Affirmations, visualization and meditation to practice presence, decrease shame and stress, and welcome pleasure into your body.

  3. Unclench, and release tense or clenched pelvic floor muscles, hips, thighs, booty and spine to decrease pain and improve muscle control.

  4. Move to activate the booty, inner thighs, abs and pelvic floor muscles

  5. Dance and practice sensual movements to improve blood flow, libido and fire up your pleasure


If you have pain or discomfort with a movement, strategy or exercise, you have the option of pausing, stopping or choosing an alternative. This workshop is safe for anyone who has been cleared for breathing, mobility and strengthening exercises (including those who are pregnant or postpartum beyond 6 weeks).


—a mat, blanketed or carpeted area
—a few pillows or cushions
—a blanket
—a soft scarf
—a small Pilates ball or kids ball (optional)


—60-minutes of workshop with instruction on optimal techniques, movement patterns and body mechanics
explanation of exercises to help you understand the purpose and gain more control over your pelvic floor
—the full recording including bonus 30-minute Q&A

All payments are final. No refunds. You will be emailed a receipt after purchase. You’ll receive a separate email with details of workshop replay.

Pelvic Strength for Pleasure Workshop Replay
PLEASURE TRIO: Reclaim your Pleasure Workshop + Pelvic Strength Workshop + Pleasure Prompts Calendar
Sale Price:$117.00 Original Price:$147.00
PLEASURE DUO: Reclaim Pleasure Workshop + Pleasure Calendar
Sale Price:$78.00 Original Price:$98.00
Reclaim your Pleasure Workshop Replay
28-day Pleasure Prompts Calendar