74. Periods and Menstrual Pain Toolkit

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15 ways to manage period pain including exercise, nutrition, acupuncture, yoga, meditation and orgasms!

Your period is your superpower!

Let’s dive into all things menstruation! From debunking the myth that painful periods are 'normal' to embracing the magic of your menstrual cycle, I’ll guide you through better period health. Learn about primary and secondary dysmenorrhea, tackle the shame and stigma surrounding periods, and discover how to treat your menstrual cycle like a cherished friend. Explore remedies and approaches to alleviate PMS and menstrual pain.

Dive deep into the connection between your beliefs and pain perception, and prepare your period toolkit to thrive throughout your entire cycle. From medications to nutrition, cravings to TENS machines, acupuncture to massages, and the choice of menstrual wear, I’ve got you covered. Uncover the benefits of nature time, exercise, orgasms, and learning to ask for help. Explore stress management techniques, including the wonders of pelvic physiotherapy. Discover the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and movement throughout your menstrual phases, and understand that women's health is not a one-size-fits-all concept.

15 things to have in your period toolkit

  1. Medications for PMS

  2. Nutrition for menstrual health (fats, seeds, proteins, carbs), reduce caffeine and drink adequate water

  3. TENS machine for period pain (not an affiliate link, just a suggestion from Ortho Canada)

  4. Acupuncture for menstrual pain

  5. Massage for abdominal or pelvic pain

  6. Change your menstrual wear aka “feminine hygiene” eg try cup, tampon, period underwear, pads

  7. Breathe, Meditation and mindfulness – be where your feet are

  8. Yoga: Asana, pranayama and yoga nidra

  9. Plan ahead for different phases of menstrual cycle, look at calendar for next 4-5 weeks and plan more self-care and less stress in luteal/pre-menstrual phase. Women are not small men

  10. Nature time

  11. Movement – relaxation stretches, isometric exercises, ab exercises, glute med exercises, jogging, pelvic floor exercises, aerobic exercise, stretching – 8-12 weeks participation eg in my BASE fitness membership

  12. Orgasms, snuggling and being taken care of

  13. Do less and ask for help

  14. Stress management

  15. Pelvic physiotherapy

This episode is sponsored by Embodia https://www.embodiaapp.com/ - use code momstrength to save $20 off your first month’s Tier 3 membership. Click here to learn more about How I use Embodia as a Pelvic Physiotherapist!

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  • 4:22: Periods are normal

    6:00: Primary dysmenorrhea

    7:40: What’s the big deal with painful periods?

    9:20: Secondary dysmenorrhea

    10:00: Painful periods are not normal

    10:45: Shame and stigma around periods

    12:10: Periods are a blessing

    13:05: Treat your period like a friend – with kindness and respect

    16:15: Medications for PMS

    18:03: Nutrition for menstrual health

    20:25: How your beliefs impact pain

    21:45: Preparing your period toolkit

    22:15: Period cravings

    23:45: TENS machine for period pain

    26:12: Acupuncture for menstrual pain

    26:45: Massage for abdominal or pelvic pain

    28:22: Change your menstrual wear aka “feminine hygiene” eg try cup, tampon, period underwear, pads; dealing with neurodivergence/ADHD

    31:30: Breathe, Meditation and mindfulness – be where your feet are

    34:30: Yoga

    36:14: Think of supporting your entire cycle rather than just your period bleed

    37:34: Plan ahead for different phases of menstrual cycle, look at calendar for next 4-5 weeks and plan more self-care and less stress in luteal/pre-menstrual phase

    40:15: Women are not small men

    41:25: Nature time

    41:45: Movement – relaxation stretches, isometric exercises, ab exercises, glute med exercises, jogging, pelvic floor exercises, aerobic exercise, stretching – 8-12 weeks participation eg in my BASE Fitness Membership

    42:00: Reduce caffeine and drink adequate water

    43:31: Orgasms, snuggling, and being taken care of

    45:15: Do less and ask for help

    46:10: Stress management

    50:54: Pelvic physiotherapy


75. Biopsychosocial Approach to Pelvic Health with Teresa Waser


73. Perinatal Mental Health with Divya Kumar