15. How to Stop Leaking and Peeing Your Pants

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Do you find yourself leaking? Or having to only wearing black pants? Avoid jumping, running, or even going out with your girlfriends because you’re afraid to pee yourself when you laugh? The answer isn’t Kegels or surgery (for most people).

Do you find yourself leaking? Or having to only wearing black pants? Avoid jumping, running, or even going out with your girlfriends because you’re afraid to pee yourself when you laugh? The answer isn’t Kegels or surgery (for most people).

Tune into this episode where I answer:

✨is leaking normal
✨ the shame associated with leaks
✨main causes of leaks including caffeine, dehydration, constipation, increased tension (eg due to postures, stress, cold, trauma)
✨why too much tension in your pelvic floor can lead to leaks
✨stress urinary incontinence (SUI) - leaks during sneezing and coughing and laughing
✨the Knack to help manage SUI
✨the role of pelvic floor relaxation and full body strengthening in managing leaks
✨some positions to relax and lengthen the pelvic floor
✨the power of breath and unclenching and releasing tension in your pelvic floor

Links & Resources:

Click HERE to book your initial consult to stop leaking and keep your pants dry!

Pregnant? Grab my Prenatal & Birth Prep Worksohp

Connect with me on Instagram !

*Disclaimer: this is for educational purposes. Please see your healthcare provider for individualized care.


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